Greenbush Health

Greenbush Health 

Greenbush Health is dedicated to the health and well-being of our members and their families. This web site provides services and information to assist you in obtaining a sense of well-being and optimal health.

Greenbush Health offers fully insured group health, life, dental, and vision benefits for eligible employees of our insured groups. Insured groups may access coverage through Greenbush Health as a participating member of the Greenbush Health Trust.  Non-Trust groups can access voluntary life, dental and vision benefits.

The Greenbush Health Trust is a fully insured Municipal Group Trust. The Greenbush Health Trust offers a quad option health plan with one of the options being a QHDP with an optional HSA, all currently through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, plus voluntary life, dental, and vision benefits.

Employee Assistance Program

Greenbush Health has partnered with Southeast Kansas Education Service Center and New Directions Behavioral Health to make available an Employee Assistance Program to all Greenbush Health Trust members as well as other groups.   Through this program expert help is available for issues such as:

EAP counseling is available by telephone, text, or in person. If your district is interested in finding out more about the Employee Assistance Program, please contact Bret Howard at Greenbush Health ( or ( 

Mission Statement

Greenbush Health will provide superior customer service and quality group benefits at a competitive price for our insureds.